Prevailing in much of the human world is the American dream enchantment. Unless the American dream reforms itself and becomes a truly planetary dream, we are moving into catastrophic times. Only a lean alternative to the American dream can save us from it. — Paolo Soleri
19 Fools (feat. Merz)
Looking back and a sense of reflection on our place in time were themes from the song. To evoke nostalgia, a cathode ray television was used to display the lyrics for this track.
Window to Window (feat. Natalie Walker)
Inspired by the photography of Saul Leiter, lyrics were projected on a variety of substrates affected by the elements.
Pristine Wilderness (feat. Merz)
The song dictates a variety of species found in the Mojave desert. Driving through the Mojave, each lyric appears in the landscape as if seen through a heads up display
© 2020 Same Page Design LLC
Prevailing in much of the human world is the American dream enchantment. Unless the American dream reforms itself and becomes a truly planetary dream, we are moving into catastrophic times. Only a lean alternative to the American dream can save us from it. — Paolo Soleri
19 Fools (feat. Merz)
Looking back and a sense of reflection on our place in time were themes from the song. To evoke nostalgia, a cathode ray television was used to display the lyrics for this track.
Window to Window (feat. Natalie Walker)
Inspired by the photography of Saul Leiter, lyrics were projected on a variety of substrates affected by the elements.
Pristine Wilderness (feat. Merz)
The song dictates a variety of species found in the Mojave desert. Driving through the Mojave, each lyric appears in the landscape as if seen through a heads up display
© 2020 Same Page Design LLC